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Calling Notice for the IFATSEA 52nd General Assembly-Update

Dear Esteemed Colleagues, Kindly find attached IFATSEA Calling Notice update 1. In this update, you will find the registration fee of $300 (three hundred dollars) and a link to a promotional video for your attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any clarifications to this update. See you soon in Las Vegas. Kind Regards,   Frank […]

Calling Notice for the IFATSEA 52nd General Assembly

Hello Esteemed Colleagues, Kindly find attached the calling notice for Las Vegas 2024. Also attached is the credential form . Let’s support PASS to stage a memorable GA. Kind Regards,   Frank Kofi Apeagyei International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations [IFATSEA] Executive Secretary IFATSEA 2024 Calling Notice IFATSEA GA Credentials

International Women’s Day 2024

Happy International Women’s Day! IFATSEA joins the world to celebrate female ATSEP who contribute to ensure safer skies. Here’s to the incredible women who inspire us every day with their strength, ambition, and compassion